Tuesday, February 22, 2005

2588.By Del. Williams - Giving service credit for persons employed by the West Virginia University extension services for the purposes of the state teachers retirement system (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2589.By Del. Williams - Relating to service credit for unused personal leave days for teachers (FN) - To Pensions and Retirement then Finance

2590.By Del. Amores, Caputo, Doyle and Perdue - Establishing the "Clean Elections Act" - To Judiciary then Finance

2591.By Del. Romine - Requiring medical facilities that provide abortions to administer anesthesia to an unborn fetus when aborted if it is older than seven weeks - To Health and Human Resources then Judiciary

2592.By Del. Beane, Spencer, Cann and Michael - Relating to the design-build procurement act - To Government Organization then Finance